Scott's Thoughts Vol. 1

This is some random shit from my mind! Enjoy!!


   Tuesday, April 01, 2008  
"I'm sorry nobody is reading Scott's Thoughts anymore." she said.

"I think people are still reading them." i protested.

"No one ever comments anymore." she stated.

"That doesn't mean they're not reading." i argued. "And besides, i don't judge my blogs on how many people comment." i went on. "That would be ridiculous." i concluded.

"Well, i think it's kinda sad." she responded.

This was an actual conversation i had in a bar last week.

I seldom do this, but will you people please comment a lot on this post and show this bitch what's up. i encourage you to say anything you like.

i promise not to ask again for at least one full year.

thank you for reading.

i always have and always will appreciate it,

   posted by Scott at 10:35 AM

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