Scott's Thoughts Vol. 1

This is some random shit from my mind! Enjoy!!


   Monday, December 10, 2007  
things to do today:

play guitar naked.

clip nose hairs.

dissect a burrito.

throw a ball at the wall down the hall.

watch jeopardy reruns.

crank steve miller as loud as i can.


mirror time.

play poker with the dog.

call her bluff.

explode a weiner in the microwave.

set a crossword puzzle on fire.

write name on hand in sharpee.

get on roof.

pretend i am a windmill.

stand on head.

take i.q. test.

free throws.

check grip pressure.

kurt vonnegut lecture.

pizza buffett.

nfl stats check.

one chess move.

explore new curse word combinations.

think about sex every seven seconds.

feel guilty about christmas.

throw ball again.

say goodnight gracie.

goodnight gracie,

   posted by Scott at 12:23 PM

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