Scott's Thoughts Vol. 1

This is some random shit from my mind! Enjoy!!


   Monday, August 13, 2007  
i have poison ivy all over me.

it is fucking out of control.

i am convinced that i have had poison ivy more than any other person my age.

i've got it every year since i was about 12. sometimes 3 and 4 times a year.

if there were two things i could change about myself, they would be as follows:

1. i would shrink my head enough so that i could buy a baseball cap in a store and not have to special order them.

2. i would drastically reduce my incredibly high allergic reactions to poison ivy.

i don't really know much else i would change about myself.

i'm going to get a shot.

fuck this,

   posted by Scott at 9:33 AM

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