Scott's Thoughts Vol. 1

This is some random shit from my mind! Enjoy!!


   Friday, June 15, 2007  
i don't want to sound like i have a black cloud following me around.

but i have a black cloud that follows me around.

i decide to start covering "Let it Bleed" by the stones. It immediately becomes an Amstel Light beer commercial.

not only that, it's a beer commercial with a guy playing guitar on a patio and singing "Let it Bleed" to a group of delta chi looking fucks and their aspenite dates.

however, they left out the verse, "My breasts, they will always be open. You can rest your weary head right on me. And there will always be a space in my parking lot, when you need a little cocaine and sympathy. "


For the record, i would also like to let it be known that i think the sopranos finale was the biggest backstabbing, doublecrossing, betrayal in the history of television.

Everyone associated with that show should be taken out and publicly flogged.

i fucking spend six years of my life watching that show and they fucking pull some shit like that.
i thought my fucking t.v. broke or some shit.

Fat, lazy fucks. they've written 12 episodes in three goddamned years and they have the audacity to try that shit. Fuck them and fuck their movie that will be coming out soon. they can all rot in hell.

i want my six years back.

i want every hour back that i spent watching that fucking show.

They can have all those hours.

but they'll never take..


   posted by Scott at 11:22 AM

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