Scott's Thoughts Vol. 1

This is some random shit from my mind! Enjoy!!


   Sunday, May 13, 2007  
inevitably, i will meet someone who tells me how much they enjoy reading my blogs.

i always ask, "do you have a favorite?"

9 out of 10 times the answer is "The Church of Scott's Thoughts"

unlike some writers, i love my fans.

so without further a-doo-doo,

please bow your head for the prayer,

Dear God, we just want to praise your supreme being. you are an awesome God. i don't mean awesome in the biblical sense, but more like awesome in a cool way. you are a cool God. it is very cool of you to make cool people like me. i just want to lift up my hands and praise your holy coolness. Amen.

it is mother's day. a special reason for blogging.

i have tried to stay away from mentioning my immediate family member's too much. they don't like it. they all told me so.

with that being said, i love my mother. she is a beautiful, intelligent, graceful woman, and i am very proud of her.

she had nothing to do with the writing of "Cuntry Girl". i made that up all by myself. i only say that she co-wrote it with me at shows for a joke.

the joke being that no one like my mother would ever have anything to do with a song like "Cuntry Girl".

i have told her on numerous occasions that no one actually thinks she wrote that with me. Everyone knows i'm joking.

She doesn't agree.

on this mother's day i hereby state for god and witness, my mother did not co-write "Cuntry Girl" not only did she not write it, she despises it.

okay then,

   posted by Scott at 1:07 PM

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